Qualitative analysis of exercising and behaviors at University of Toledo Recreation Center

Qualitative analysis of exercising and behaviors at University of Toledo Recreation Center

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Observation at UT Recreation Center

Qualitative analysis of exercising and behaviors at University of Toledo Recreation Center


Objective: This research is done by 3 researches at 3 different times to determine what type of behaviors to gym-goes display at the UT Recreation Center other than exercising?





First and foremost, being in the gym setting of UT highlighted several aspects in relation to the social and health behaviors. Overall, seeing people at the gym implied that individuals of this community are not just conscious and aware of physical health and mental well-being. Rather, it depicted that they are also making effort to ensure this. It was a good experience to see that there were mixed races and sexes and people of different ages at the training center. This implied that physical exercise is important to this community, regardless of race, age or gender. The fact that there was a considerably significant number of people at the training center in the morning is also of critical importance to note. In essence, this implied that most people preferred to start their day feeling physically fit and mentally healthy. Perhaps this could be linked to the idea of having a productive day. Al in all, there was a clear indicative of the school community taking initiative towards physical fitness.

This qualitative data discussion is based on three critical themes, all of which were taken into account during the observation. The following section discusses these themes in relation to the observations.

Socializing with friends

Hanging out with friends and socializing outside class. The training center clearly proved to be an ideal place for social interaction. However, the deduction that was made was that the social interaction seemed to be limited to individuals that were already familiar with each other. At one point, there was a group of males discussing sports. Additionally, most of the time an individual entered the gym, they walked towards people they were already familiar with.

Using technology while exercising

Using technology while exercising or resting or waiting for equipment. This was the prevalent use of cellphones that was observed. Technology seemed to be the perfect working out companion. Individuals were often on their pones before the work out, during breaks and while waiting on equipment.

Interacting with staff

Interacting with staff and asking for help with equipment. There was a help desk at the reception area and this was the first point at which the gym goers had a chance to interact with the staff. In the event of need for help with equipment, this interaction was also noted. Specifically, one female asked for help with a treadmill and was efficiently attended to by a staff member.

The behaviors that were noted during this observation process were connected to the themes of the discipline. The three specific themes highlighted above were demonstrated and exemplified during the session.

For public health, these observations are an indication of a community working towards better health outcomes. However, as far as the sanitation was concerned, there were clear shortcomings.
Although provided, there was a very limited use of the sanitizers. Being a public place,
this could have adverse health implications. On the part of the gym center,
there is the inherent need to improve the frequency of cleaning services in between and
during workout sessions.

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