Part two, not assessed, but obligatory and must be submitted with part one.This is an updated personal portfolio with a reflective report (1000 words) on how they have used strategic thinking learned from the module to develop their understanding.

Part two, not assessed, but obligatory and must be submitted with part one.This is an updated personal portfolio with a reflective report (1000

words) on how they have used strategic thinking learned from the module to develop their understanding.

Word Count: 1000 words

1.4.3(a)Submission Deadline: Teaching Week 12 of your cohort (This might be flexible according to circumstances). This will be indicated on your

weekly lecture schedule. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit your assignment to meet the deadline dates.
You are expected to build up your coursework as your semester progresses. Please do not keep your work to the tail end of the lecture block.

1.4.3(b) TURNITIN HANDLE: The University requirement is that your coursework must be submitted on-line via the Moodle turnitin. The submission

handle for your cohort will be set up for you anytime before the deadline week. Please ensure that you do not delay your work until the turnitin

handle is set. We advise that you start to work on your assignment well ahead of your submission deadline.

1.4.3 (C) PLEASE NOTE: It is your responsibility as a student at this Doctoral level to ensure you adopt the appropriate academic writing

standard in your coursework. Poor presentation (i.e. sentence construction, spelling, punctuation and grammar as well as inappropriate citations

and referencing styles), and other poor writing practices may attract a deduction of 10% from your marks. You are therefore expected to present

your work to meet the high standard of writing at the doctoral level.

1.4.3 (d) Plagiarism:This is a serious academic misconduct and the University of the West of Scotland takes it very seriously. Any issue of

plagiarism will be picked up and forwarded to the plagiarism panel.You are therefore advised to avoid committing this act by ensuring that you

do not engage in any form of plagiarism.

1.5 Assessment criteria
Report will be assessed according to the following criteria

Gr. Knowledge:understanding of theories, and analytical methods applied appropriately. Adequate/appropriate citations and referencing

Academic discourse:Structured, sequential and logical argument, supported by rationale and evidence.
Critical evaluation:analysis, evaluation and development of creative insights. Communication
Organisation, grammar, spelling,


Excellent understanding of theory throughout. Good use made of theory & models to evaluate.

Content is adequately and appropriately referenced throughout. Identify key issues clearly with logical argument and points of view systematic

and fully supported. Assessment questions/brief fully addressed. Demonstrates ability to apply concepts & principles to the assessment

brief. Good use models to evaluate the issues identified. Ability to synthesise the arguments presented. Spelling is accurate and

standard conventions of punctuation & grammar are adopted.


Demonstrates sound basic knowledge & understanding of theory and strategic models/tools.
Content is generally referenced throughout. Solution responds to the assessment questions/brief. Use of supporting evidence, illustration &

argument is relevant but not necessarily sufficient. Ability to apply theory to tackling the assessment brief. Satisfactory use made of

theory and models to evaluate issues identified. Spelling is generally accurate. Standard conventions of punctuation & grammar are

usually followed.

Exhibits adequate basic understanding of theory and strategic tools.
Content is generally referenced although not always. A point of view is presented, but is sometimes confusing. Attempts to include

supporting evidence, illustrations or argument are made. Attempts to apply relevant theories and ideas. A reasonable understanding of

theory is demonstrated. Although evaluation is limited. Generally able to spell commonly used words & usually follows standard

conventions of punctuation & grammar.

Apparent knowledge & understanding of relevant theory and use of strategic tools is limited.
Content is lacking in references. Little evidence of knowing the relevant theory and lacks application of strategic tools.
Lacks referencing. Argument does not progress smoothly. Main points and supporting material are not clearly distinguished from each other.

Ideas or facts presented apparent relation have little to each other or to the assessment brief An attempt is made to address the assessment

brief but little satisfactory analysis or evaluation. Theories are not adequately understood or applied to the assessment brief. Little

ability to spell commonly used words & standard conventions of punctuation & grammar. Poor spelling, punctuation and use of grammar

Grades/Marks indicator
Grades A
70% + above B
60 – 69 % C
50 – 59% Fail
0 – 49% Overall Grade and Mark
Marks 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd Agreed marks

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