Organize yourmemo in three sections using the following order: recommendations, current situation, analysisand conclusions. Use appendices for supplementary materials (e.g. stakeholder analysis, socialcontract theory analysis).

The Bertolon School of Business (BSB) faculty recently approved a “Code of Ethics for BSBfaculty, staff and administrators”. The document’s introduction begins with the following
This Code of Ethics is meant to be a living document that best reflects the culture andvalues of Salem State’s Bertolon School of Business (BSB). It describes standards ofconduct and integrity that are consistent with the mission and ethical values embraced by
the BSB’s mission statement.”
Prior to the code of ethics, the BSB faculty approved a mission statement and several valuesstatements. The following link provides the mission and values( request your consulting services for the following work scope. Using mission, strategic objectives, stakeholder and social contract theory concepts as theanalytical criteria, analyze the BSB’s current mission statement, values statements, newlyapproved code of ethics. In addition, use your experiences as a student (stakeholder) and
interviews of the faculty (as necessary) for the facts. In the spirit of the BSB’s continuous improvement value, focus your analysis on areaswhere the various statements/values need additional scope, areas where the variousstatements/values need stronger correlation/agreement, and areas where the BSB needs toimprove (e.g., actual practices (actions and/or behaviors)) to match the variousstatements. Based on the preceding two bullets, provide recommendations for improvement.DeliverablesPlease provide a two page memo to the Canvas inbox on February 15, 2016. Organize yourmemo in three sections using the following order: recommendations, current situation, analysisand conclusions. Use appendices for supplementary materials (e.g. stakeholder analysis, socialcontract theory analysis). The memo format should use one inch margins, 1.15 spacing, andTimes Roman 12 point font. Use Appendix A as a sample for the format you must use. We look forward to your analysis and recommendations.

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