Montresor wants to kill Fortunato for spilling all his secrets.

Montresor wants to kill Fortunato for spilling all his secrets.

Gustave 0

ENC 1102

Friend or Foe

The Cask of Amontillado, written by Edger Allen Poe is a story of two friends turned foe over pride and revenge. Montresor, a man with pride for his family and his family’s name, is insulted by Fortunato. He decides that Fortunato must be punished and to punish him with impunity. Overcome with revenge against Fortunate, He vows vengeance regardless of how extreme it may be. As for motive, Edger Allen Poe, does not reveal to his audience exactly what Fortunato did or said but leaves hints throughout the story. After a through analyses it is apparent that Montresor wants to kill Fortunato for spilling all his secrets. He states that when Fortunato ventures upon insult, is when he vows for revenge and it is evident that Fortunato can easily be influenced when intoxicated.

Montresor wants to kill Fortunato for spilling all his secrets.

In the presence of his countrymen Fortunato is a quack but when it comes to fine expensive wine, he is sincere.

He states that when fortunate ventures upon insult he vowed revenge

Another motive is that Fortunato spill Montresor family secret cause the secret to diminish his family name. ” NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT “No one attacks me with impunity”.

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