How has social media changed marketing?


Generally, marketing has been developing along with the world which revolves around it. From the perspective that marketing never occupies an exact science, there has been strategic mechanisms that are generally employed to improve the marketing mix as well as the marketing strategies utilized within the respective marketing field. Such mechanisms include social media which have been one of the rampant existences within networking marketing. Social media has been a key role within the worldwide marketing being experienced allover the globe. This runs from the newspapers, television to social media as imperative parameters towards moldering the marketing strategy of any given business organization.

Essentially, the issues concerning the customer services are normally regarded as the solemn issues within the business setting of any given business organization. This literally implies that the people learning such business organizations ought to employ individuals who are professionally qualified in finding appropriate remedies for such issues. In the modern world, one of the great industries which have highly been positively as well as negatively impacted by the internet is the marketing (Malik, 2018). It is evident that once what was absolutely paper marketing has now changed into a digital marketing which is entirely influenced by the social media. That which was once a fighter for the air time has been transformed to a hunter for low hanging keywords. The online world has entirely been driven entirely to a new transformation to marketing. Social media can be regarded as one of the sectors in the online world which has been transformed to manner in which the marketing operates. There are numerous ways in which social media may influence the marketing in the modern world in today’s business settings as well as associative business environment (David, 2017). In fact, social media has numerous positive diverse ways in which it has transformed the marketing. Nevertheless, the negative ways may not be disregarded.

Literature Review

Facilitating proper customer services can be termed as one of the key priorities of business settings. This can be utilized to retain their current customers as well as attract the customers in venturing into the business. Several studies in various literature books make efforts to explain the importance of social media in marketing across the world. Pearl M (2018) in his book How Social Media has Changed Marketing tend to explain how customer services have massively contributed to the transformation of the marketing field on a global basis. He argues that social media has intensively transformed the manner in which the customer service generally operates. In the world today, customers are seen to have a capability of engaging with their respective prestigious brands online through a quick as well as easy response concerning the items. The social media has in addition impacted the manner in which business organizations cooperate with their respective consumers concerning their merchandise through online websites (Pearl, 2018). This have apprehensively helped such business organizations in greatly improving their marketing strategies.

In their book, Brands in Glass Houses; How to Embrace Transparency and Grow Your Business, Dechay Watts and Debbie Williams (2013), analyze how social media has changed the transparency of the analytics which is one of the cornerstones of the marketing in most of the business organizations. Generally, analytics can be regarded as game changer within the marketing world. Marketing strategies were normally realized with an increment of sales before the digital age chipped in. Through the social media marketing, analytics are more reliable which exhibit the reason behind customer’s ability to create purchases.

Fields & Ziska (2016) in their book, Collective Creativity for Responsible and Sustainable Business Practice, explains how the social media have heightened creativity, analytics and future of the marketing in any business organization. These two authors views marketing without social media as to restrict the access to data which they regard as pretty limited. They further examine how social media has moldered creativity, analytics as well as future of marketing which are the key parameters towards the success of marketing in the whole world. Analytics generally shows the strengths as well as the weaknesses of market segments hence implementing a desirable marketing mix which may be used to gain competitive advantage in the respective business organization. Essentially, the social media information has enhanced the business organizations the access to actual buying behavior. This helps the business organization communicate with the prospective customers as well as perceiving to what they actually need (Sophia, 2017). Besides, social media has facilitated the creation of ads. Therefore, rather than creating the vague promises, the business organization may facilitate on the specific ones hence improving their marketing strategy.


From the above assessment, it is clear to conclude that the business industry is niching down. This therefore calls for digital equipment, detailed analytics as well as effective marketing attribution which implicates that the business organization can at last focus on the targeted persons. This therefore shows the very many relevance of the social media within the marketing world of the business setting. There is therefore an essential need to focus on the social media while concentrating on the key technics to involved on the marketing strategy.

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