Elaborate on how employee perceptions shape organizational behavior. Are perceptions and reality always the same?

Response #2


Natrina Lawrence

How important are employee attitudes and emotions as well as transparency in shaping organizational behavior?

Emotions shape an individual’s belief about the value of a job, a company, or a team. Emotions also affect behaviors at work. Research shows that individuals within your own inner circle are better able to recognize and understand your emotions (Elfenbein&Ambady, 2002). It is also perceived, emotions and mood affect temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation. Employee emotions are complex and move in various directions. Modeling feelings and considering their behavioral implications are useful in preventing emotions from having a negative effect on the workplace (Boundless, 2016). Dranitsaris-Hillard (2013) emotions such as trust, caring, enthusiasm, pride, and even fun are necessary for organizational success and a motivated workforce.


Elaborate on how employee perceptions shape organizational behavior. Are perceptions and reality always the same?

Understanding the nature of perceptions and its importance in organizational behavior, is somewhat of a phenomenon. According to Otara (2011) in organizations, perceptions of leaders, managers and employees shape the climate and effectiveness of the working environment. Perception is the way we all interpret our experiences. Perception is our sensory experience of the world around us and involves both the recognition of environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli. Perceptions not only creates our experience of the world around us; it allows us to act within our environment. Perceptions and reality constructs are a varied narrative. Brachman (2017) ascertains employees who perceive that they have greater control over their work lives, will likely be more motivated to excel within the organizational structure. The Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (2011) posits when employees perceive that HR practices reflect a commitment to quality, and are based on seeing employees as assets, they have higher commitment and satisfaction. If employees viewed a practice as a sign that the company values quality service or products, and will empower employees to produce them, employees were more satisfied.  When employees perceive that HR practices are based on controlling costs, they have more negative attitudes. When employees believed that HR practices reflected the company’s view that employees were a cost to be contained, employee satisfaction and commitment dropped.

Brahman, S. (2017, 3). Perception & Motivation in Organizational Behavior. Retrieved 09, 2017, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/perception-motivation-organizational-behavior-13609.html
Boundless. “How Emotion and Mood Influence Behavior.” Boundless Management Boundless, 26, May. 2016. Retrieved 2 Sep. 2017. from http://www.boundless.com/management/textbooks/boundless-influence-behavior-233-7047/
C. (2011, 06). Perception is reality: How employees perceive what motivates HR practices affects their engagement, behavior, and performance. Retrieved 09, 2017, from digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1021&content=cahrs
Dranitsaris-Hillard, H. (2013, 01). The Role of Emotions in Organizations. Retrieved 09, 2017, vault.theleadershiphub.com/blogs/role-emotions-organizations
Elfenbein, H. A., &Ambady, N. (2002). Is there an in-group advantage in emotion recognition? Psychological Bullentin, 128, 243-249.
Otara, A. (2011). Perception: A Guide for Managers and Leaders. Journal of Management and Strategy, 2(3), 21-24. Retrieved September 1, 2017, from www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/jms/article/download/397/187


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