Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed food, there have been problems with digestion.

Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed
food, there have been problems with digestion. Now think about how human
nutrition has changed over time and across geographical locations.
Identify a digestive disorder that is closely linked to a particular
time or place. For example, a lower incidence of colorectal cancer has
been documented in parts of the world where the local diet consists
primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables with low consumption of cooked
red meat. (Note: colorectal cancer is an example—please do not use this
disorder in your discussion) Discuss the causes and symptoms of your
chosen disorder and possible treatment options. Make sure to include
information on the role of diet in mitigating or treating symptoms of
the disorder. Please cite at least two sources in your response.


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Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed food, there have been problems with digestion. was first posted on May 10, 2019 at 6:38 am.
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