Describe how massage helps in managing the condition and what procedures ( what kind of massage) and technique you would used.

1. Pick two pathologies (disease) that benefit from a massage.(Achalasia and Fabry ) Describe the condition and it’s etiology , signs, symptoms and treatment.

Describe how massage helps in managing the condition and what procedures ( what kind of massage) and technique you would used.

2. Pick two pathologies (disease) ( Anthrax and Ebola ) that are total contraindications for massage. (That you can not do a massage) Describe the condition , it’s etiology (origin ) , signs, symptoms, and treatment.

 APA Format

1 page per disease (4 total) cover and reference page required.


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Describe how massage helps in managing the condition and what procedures ( what kind of massage) and technique you would used. was first posted on April 23, 2019 at 8:53 am.
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