According to the BNF, and the latest NICE guidelines (2009), should we change Miss HH’s therapy? What is your suggestion?

Wgt  80kg    Temp. 37.1 degrees
Hgt   5’6’’    BP 147/85mmHg

a)    Comment on Miss HH’s glucose and HbA1c in relation to NICE guidance.
You can use the 2112 rule to convert old HbA1c to new units and vice versa:
old to new:  -2 x 11 -2;
new to old: +2 divided by 11 +2.

b)    Work out Miss HH’s B.M.I. and ideal body weight. Are these relevant?
BMI = wt (kg)                IBW= 50kg (men)/45.5kg (women)
Ht2(m2).                 + 2.3kg for each inch > 5 feet.

c)    Comment on Miss HH’s creatinine and urea: use Cockcroft and Gault’s method to estimate her renal function.

8)    According to the BNF, and the latest NICE guidelines (2009), should we change Miss HH’s therapy? What is your suggestion?

9)    A nursing student comes to you and tells you Miss HH’s “BMs are 2.3” (Random peripheral blood glucose is 2.3 mmol/L). What are the symptoms of a hypoglycaemic

attack and how would you would treat it? Why do some patients not exhibit any symptoms?

10)    Three months later, Miss HH is taking gliclazide 160mg BD but her blood sugar remains at least 11.5mmol/L most of the day. Three possible options exist other

than starting insulin. Which of the three possibilities below might or might not be suitable for Miss HH? Which would you support? Refer to the NICE algorithm.

a) Exenatide

b) sitagliptin

c) pioglitazone

11)    After a further 6 months on pioglitazone 30mg daily and gliclazide 160mg BD, Miss HH’s HbA1c remains stubbornly high at 78mmol/mol in the diabetic clinic. The

doctor decides to stop her pioglitazone and start subcutaneous insulin therapy whilst continuing gliclazide. Describe 3 different kinds of insulin regime – suggest

preparations and doses. Which one would you recommend for Miss HH? Which regime best mimics the body’s natural insulin release?

12)    Should Miss HH be started on aspirin or a statin? (Refer to the NICE Guidance 2009).

At home, complete the care plan for Miss HH at the point of hospital admission in Q7.
Pharmaceutical care plan for Miss HH  DOB 1/6/1968 (on admission)
Problem    Desired outcome     Assessment    Actions
Options    Follow up/monitoring    Counselling

HBA1c to 6.5%
No hypos (see below)
HBA1c and glucose uncontrolled on metformin 1g BD
? Compliance
Cr= 250 micromol/L
BMs/HbA1c in longer term
Push dietary advice
How to manage hypos
Risk of hypoglycaemic attacks

Want none     None yet but risk if starts non-metformin based therapy

Cardiovascular risk

Reduce risk of CVD (CHD+stroke) plus PVD,CKD, retinopathy and nephropathy    DM2 (Uncontrolled)        BP, CBG (BM), lipids, HbA1c regularly
CKD    Stop further deterioration, avoid ESRF>> Check chronic/acute    Already lost 2/3 of GFR by age 65- bodes ill Needs tight BP (esp c ACE); tight sugar control

BP, Cr, urinary protein regularly,

VTE prophylaxis whilst in hospital




Following the workshop, directed and background reading, students should be able to describe/understand:
1)    Basic principles and problems in the management of hypertension
2)    The importance of considering concomitant illness in the selection of antihypertensive therapy
3)    The concept of cardiovascular risk including primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
4)    Management of stable ischaemic heart disease


BNF sections 2.5 Introductory pages
Stable angina. NICE Clinical Guideline CG126 2011- Quick reference guide

Management of hypertension in adults in primary care. NICE Clinical Guideline CG127 2011

MHRA and CHM. Aspirin: not licensed for primary prevention of thrombotic vascular disease. Drug Safety Update 2009;3(3):10-11.

NICE Bites – Hypertension, UKMI September 2011

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