Using JAVA Problem 7: Rock Paper Scissors (10 points) (Game Development) Rock, Paper, Scissors is a

Using JAVA

Problem 7: Rock Paper Scissors (10 points) (Game Development) Rock, Paper, Scissors is a hand-based game played between two p

Problem 7: Rock Paper Scissors (10 points) (Game Development) Rock, Paper, Scissors is a hand-based game played between two people. During a match, each player chooses one of three possible options: Rock, Paper, or Scissors. Afterwards, both players reveal their selection simultaneously. Your task is to implement a program that acts as a referee (i.e. game manager) to determine the winner of a rock-paper-scissors game. Facts Rock beats Scissors Scissors beats Paper Paper beats Rock If both player selections match then its a tie. Input The first line is the number of test cases. Then each additional line will contain two different text inputs. The first text input represents the first player's selection. The second text input represents the second player's selection. Each player selection is limited to: “paper”, “rock”, “scissors” Output Your program must display the final result of that game as on of the following: “Tie!”, “Player 1 wins!” or “Player 2 wins” Sample Input Sample Output Tie! 3 Player 2 wins! Player 1 wins! раper paper rock paper scissors paper

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