If you are currently a smoker and would like to quit, here is an excellent opportunity to do so and earn 1 research credit. For credit you must maintain a daily record of success and rate your willpower on a 1-5 scale (1 little at all…5 maximum will power); and rate your urge to smoke on a 1 to 5 scale (1 not at all…5 very much). Your daily entry will also comment on success. Keep the record going on your desktop or in a notebook for a minimum of 6 weeks (therefore you must begin no later than OCTOBER 7. Summarize your performance by examining the “data” you collected. Plot your willpower data on a graph with a data point for each day. Are there patterns? significant changes? ..etc. Comment on this in your paper and also comment on your success. Attach the daily log to your paper (at least 2 pages) and the willpower graph. This is known as a small n study, a not uncommon research designAn enormous amount of support material about how to quit smoking is available at the Student Health Center. the weeks are  5th of october, 12 of october, 19th of october, 26th of october. 2nd of november, 9th of november. >>>>  Your papers must be typed, using 12 point Times or Times New Roman style font with 1.5 line spacing. Please do not space between paragraphs (this can be done by going to the format section of MS word, selecting paragraph and adjusting spacing before and after to 0).  You should simply indent the start of a new paragraph. Many versions of MSword (2007) set the default font to Cambria, adjust the font to Times New Roman.

b.      Measure your margins after printing!! Each paper should have at least 2 full pages of content. When in doubt, write more than 2 pages. Do not use headers. Do not use margins greater than 1 inch on all sides of the paper. And remember, like most things in life, it is quality that matters! A simple single line title at the top is sufficient, no expansive top or bottom margins. There is no need to include your name, date or ID number; that information is on your Cover Sheet. If your bottom or top margin is greater than 1” because of your printer, be sure to write a few more lines on page 3 or set your document margins to .75 instead of 1.

c.      Your writing should be thoughtful and well organized in formal essay style. Do not use contractions; you will be marked down. (If you do not know what a contraction is, find out).

d.      Please proof read your work. Be certain to respond to all areas specified for the option you choose. Remember, you should exhibit college level writing skills spelling, grammar, and punctuation must be up to this standard.

e.      When asked to identify the area of psychology that a study relates to, you should consider how the research connects to one of the main topics, i.e. chapters, we cover in class, these are all sub-disciplines of psychology.

f.       Be certain your papers are in your own words! Using ideas or written expressions taken from others without acknowledgement is plagiarism and can lead to expulsion from the University. 

g.      All your work should be presented together with the Cover Sheet found on the class website. Use only one cover sheet and attach all materials behind it. Complete the cover sheet checklist and sign the statement at the end.

h.      You may turn your paper in before or after class and during office hours to the instructor, teacher’s assistants, or the Psychology Office.  We will not be held responsible for research experiential papers pushed under the office door. Papers may NOT be e-mailed. You are encouraged to submit your papers early (on or before 11/16), as they may then be returned for correction, if needed, before the deadline. Returns are always brought to class and may be picked up there.

    • Posted: 4 years ago
    • Due: 15/11/2015
    • Budget: $80

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