op5 Automobile companies improved their global competitiveness and achieved economic success with th


Automobile companies improved their global competitiveness and achieved economic success with the use of computer-integrated manufacturing. Was the automation decision good for improving productivity? Was the automation decision defensible on ethical grounds (job losses)? Be sure to make a good argument for your position.


Think of a purchase you are planning to make or have recently made. How much did it cost? How much per year do you think you will save from this purchase, and for how many years will you get these savings? Estimate the present value of the savings, and subtract the cost of the product. Note that it is rare that any purchase will “pay for itself” (e.g., have a positive NPV). But are the savings enough that the product becomes a lot “cheaper” and more worthwhile for you to buy.


Provide a brief description of Organic or Gluten-Free Food Product.

Visit  http://www.strategicbusinessinsights.com/vals/ustypes.shtml  and complete the following: Choose three possible profiles for your product’s audiences.  Explain why you are targeting these segments. Provide three possible places to advertise to these audiences.

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