I. Jake is at the Boston Biceps Bodybuilding Club riding an exercise bike. Jake wants to change the.

I. Jake is at the Boston Biceps Bodybuilding Club riding an exercise bike. Jake wants to change the channel on the television that is mounted high on a nearby wall. He cannot find the remote control device, so Jake drags the exercise bike over to the television and stands on the seat of the exercise bike in order to reach the television, but the seat post breaks. Jake cannot control his temper and throws the bike across the room against the wall, breaking it apart, with the handlebars landing on the running track. Half an hour later, another patron, Frieda, trips over the handlebars as he is running on the track and is injured.Frieda wants to file a lawsuit for her injuries. Discuss:1. The legal claims which Frieda would have against the manufacturer;2. The legal claims which Frieda would have against the health club;3. The likely outcome of the lawsuits [and why you believe this will be the outcome].Be sure to fully articulate all applicable legal principles, identifying the facts provided—or needed—to apply the law to the facts so as to justify your conclusion.

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