The purpose of this writing assignment is to apply critical thinking skills to conduct a real-life application of operant conditioning.

Operant Conditioning (Worth 30 Points)

The purpose of this writing assignment is to apply critical thinking skills to conduct a real-life application of operant conditioning.

Learning Objectives 3c and 5c

Select a target behavior that you would like to strengthen in a person or animal in which you have daily contact. For example, you may choose to have your child pick up his/her toys more often; try to get more hugs from your significant other; train a dog to sit on command, etc.  Try to avoid selecting a target behavior you would like to weaken, which would require the use of positive punishment (punishment by application) or negative punishment (punishment by removal).

Step 1 Written Portion: State your target behavior. If you choose a target behavior in an animal, include the animal’s name, age, gender, and breed.  If you choose a target behavior in a person, include his or her first name, age, and relationship to you (such as a friend, co-worker, child, or significant other).

Once you have decided on a target behavior, collect data over the next day to find out how often the target behavior occurs without your guidance or reinforcement. In other words, just observe and count the times the target behavior occurs on its own. For example, if you choose the following target behavior: Teaching your dog how to roll over on command, then you would give the roll over command and count the times the dog rolls over (without your interference or guidance). This data is called the baseline frequency.

Step 2 Written Portion:  State your baseline frequency data. Describe your data collection, including the number of hours observed, where you observed the target behavior, and any other relevant information. Also, report any biases that may be introduced in your baseline frequency data collection. For instance, if you are doing your baseline frequency count on the number of times your dog sits on command, and you observe your pet during an obedience class, a bias will be introduced.

*Please note*: A baseline frequency of one day will implement a bias in your study. Report the bias, stating that a baseline frequency observed and recorded over several days may produce a more valid and reliable record of the target behavior.

On the next day, begin the process of operant conditioning. The first time the target behavior occurs; reinforce it with a behavior that you believe has meaning to the person/animal. Think through your operant conditioning terms. For instance, if the target behavior occurs, and you respond with “Great Job,” your compliment is positive reinforcement with a secondary/conditioned reinforcer, which increases the likelihood the target behavior will occur again.

If the baseline frequency is 0, in other words, if the target behavior does not occur on its own, then you will need to employ the technique of shaping.

Step 3 Written Portion: Write a paragraph reporting the number of times the target behavior occurred during the operant conditioning phase.  Explain why you think the target behavior increased, decreased, or stayed the same.  Use your operant conditioning terms to describe what you did, including your use of primary or secondary/conditioned reinforcers of positive reinforcement.  Also, explain if and how you used escape or avoidance conditioning of negative reinforcement. In addition, identify if you stayed with one type of effective reinforcer or if you used many.  Also, if you used shaping because the target behavior did not occur on its own, discuss how you applied shaping. Lastly, describe what you may have done differently, and report any conclusions you may have about your operant conditioning efforts

Do you think that conscious (voluntary) movements must be organized differently from unconscious (involuntary) movements? What does the evidence tell you?

Post 1:

Discussion section: Behavior is movement more than anything else. The output of the brain is seen chiefly in the secretions of the glands and the contraction of the muscles. We will consider the effects of hormonal secretions in the next topic. This week, consider our movements, which reflect the influences of the state of the body and the pressures of the environment.

Discussion 4 – How the Brain Coordinates Our Movements

Step 1: Address the following questions in discussion in one paragraph for each of the three question items:


1. Do you think that conscious (voluntary) movements must be organized differently from unconscious (involuntary) movements? What does the evidence tell you?

2. Can you point to any body movements that do not involve reflexes–or some reflexes that do not involve bodily movement?

Discuss your opinion of this article. What did you think about the findings? What were potential limitations?

Assignment:  Book

Myers, D.G., & Twenge, J.M. (2012). Social Psychology (11th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

  1. Read Chapter 4 in the textbook.
  2. Select and read one of the journal articles below or search through your own through Northwest’s online Datasbases.
    1. Festinger, L., & Carlsmith, J. M. (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58(2), 203-210. doi:10.1037/h0041593
    2. Joule, R. (1991). Double forced compliance: A new paradigm in cognitive dissonance theory. The Journal of Social Psychology, 131(6), 839-845. doi:10.1080/00224545.1991.9924671
    3. Chiou, W., & Wan, C. (2007). Using cognitive dissonance to induce adolescents’ escaping from the claw of online gaming: The roles of personal responsibility and justification of cost. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(5), 663-670. doi:10.1089/cpb.2007.9972
    4. Gibbons, F. X., Eggleston, T. J., & Benthin, A. C. (1997). Cognitive reactions to smoking relapse: The reciprocal relation between dissonance and self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72(1), 184-195. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.72.1.184
  3. Write a brief review of the chosen journal article, include the following details:
    1. Identify the hypothesis/es for the study.
    2. Summarize the methods and results.
  4. Discuss your opinion of this article. What did you think about the findings? What were potential limitations?
  5. Integrate concepts within Chapter 4 of the textbook into your paper that relate to the topic.


  • Paper length should be approximately 2-3 pages in length (approximately 500- 750 words).
  • Use APA style, including a cover page and reference page (not included in page length)
  • Introductory paragraph, setting forth a clear statement of your assignment.
  • Conclusion, a concise paragraph that reaffirms your assignment.
  • Cite a minimum of 2 sources (APA). Include the textbook as one of the sources.  Be sure to cite the article you chose from above.

Draw on both your own experience and the information from your readings, and explain how and why those characteristics differ due to age.

Major Characteristics of Adolescent Society

In this unit, you have reviewed major characteristics of adolescent societies. For this discussion:

  • Choose two to three characteristics that differ from other phases in the lifespan.
  • Draw on both your own experience and the information from your readings, and explain how and why those characteristics differ due to age.

Support your response with APA-formatted citations from scholarly sources, including both those provided in this unit and any additional evidence you may have researched.

For this assignment, you will select a topic for your grant proposal (i.e., Final Project due in Week Six).

Grant Proposal – Topic, Specific Aims and Bibliography

For this assignment, you will select a topic for your grant proposal (i.e., Final Project due in Week Six). Then you will write the Specific Aims section and create a preliminary bibliography. You will conduct a search in the Ashford University Library and/or on PubMedCentral (Links to an external site.)  to locate at least 10 scholarly peer-reviewed articles that are relevant and that support your funding request.  Create your preliminary annotated bibliography and ensure that your resources are relevant and supportive of the Specific Aims as well as the Background and Significance sections of your grant proposal (the Background and Significance sections will be written in Week Three). See a sample annotated bibliography (Links to an external site.)  from the Ashford Writing Center for assistance.

Compose the Specific Aims section following the Grant Proposal Guidelines (Links to an external site.). See the Sample Grant Proposal Template (Links to an external site.) as an example and use it as a template for your Grant Proposal. The assignment should be one page, excluding the bibliography.

What is the workplace like and how might workplace conditions, requirements, and/or environmental factors influence or be influenced by each gender?


Application: Gender Influences at Work

Ideally, people select and pursue their careers based on their personal interests, their abilities, and their desire to make a contribution in/to a particular arena. However, the ideal is not always realized for a variety of reasons. One such reason is the presence of gender stereotyping related to aptitude for a specific career or skill, jobs, and careers, in general. Gender stereotyping may begin in school with girls and boys who are encouraged to pursue careers that stereotypically appear to be more fitting for one gender or the other. This type of stereotyping often results in discrimination and harassment in the school or training for the field, discrimination in the workplace, closed doors for some types of employment, and limited career opportunities.

Psychologists have posed many justifications for the stereotyping that impacts career choice and career success. It may be that boys and girls are directed differently to specific careers beginning in early education. It may be that parents influence their children toward or away from specific career paths by their expectations, dialogue, and even toys they give their children to play with. It may be the stereotyping and resulting discrimination related to training and education that influences the career paths of men and women. It may be the influence from society in general related to what are considered to be appropriate roles for both men and women.

Additional gender-related challenges exist once men and women get to the workplace. Though discrimination and sexual harassment are often seen as women’s issues, men also experience discrimination and sexual harassment, especially in typically female-dominated occupations such as teaching, childcare, nursing, and some administrative positions. And while there may be a reduction in the occurrence of stereotyping, women historically have experienced discrimination that results in not being hired or promoted to upper management positions, unequal pay for equal work, and “glass ceilings” in many fields including health care, engineering, science, math, and protective services, just to name a few.

Psychologists continue to look for answers about why men and women behave differently and are treated differently in the workplace. Common explanations include the differences in communication styles often seen in men and women, issues associated with power struggles in the workplace, and societal expectations regarding roles of men and women.

To prepare for this assignment:

Review Chapter 12 in the course text, Gender: Psychological Perspectives. Focus on the gender-related differences and similarities in issues related to career selection, career success, and the work environment.

Think about one specific career path, such as architecture, engineering, science, nursing, business management, etc. Conduct research on the current gender-related statistics for the career path you have selected.

Consider the following questions, using the Week 6 Optional Resources or other resources of your choosing:

What is the workplace like and how might workplace conditions, requirements, and/or environmental factors influence or be influenced by each gender?

Is the field typically a male- or female-dominated one? Why?

Is there a salary difference between the genders?

Think about the following questions:

How and why might boys and girls be directed differently to the career path you selected and researched?

What challenges might each gender face in getting a job in this area?

Once individuals enter this career, how might men and women be treated differently and how might they behave differently? What are the unique challenges each gender must address in order to succeed in this area?

The assignment (2–3 pages):

Select a career path (e.g., architecture, engineering, nursing, business management, etc.).

Analyze the impact that gender has in:

The career choice itself, including gender stereotyping within that career, other factors that might influence career choice, obstacles to entering the career, and factors that impact career success.

The work setting within that career, including factors that might lead to discrimination, communication differences that impact workplace success, issues related to power, and rates of sexual harassment.

Why do you subscribe to these theories as apt descriptors?

Theories in Adolescent Psychology

For this discussion:

  • Choose at least two major psychological theories of adolescent development that you believe best describe adolescence in today’s world.
    • Why do you subscribe to these theories as apt descriptors?
    • What makes them relevant?

Support your response with APA-formatted citations from scholarly sources, including both those provided in this unit and any additional evidence you may have researched.

Suggest possible solutions to increase the reliability and validity of research with adolescents.

For this discussion, consider the unique research challenges associated with adolescents as compared to research with children or adults. Then, respond to the following:

  • Provide at least two examples of those unique challenges.
  • Suggest possible solutions to increase the reliability and validity of research with adolescents.

What is your position on the relationship between adolescent achievement and extracurricular involvement?

The readings for this unit address multiple reasons for adolescent success and failure in both academic achievement and making the transition into post-secondary environments. A primary focus is on the role of social networks in adolescent success in these areas, although the academic community seems undecided on their definitive impact. For this discussion:

  • Consider the evidence you read in this unit arguing for extracurriculuar activities (including jobs and school-sponsored activities).
    • What is your position on the relationship between adolescent achievement and extracurricular involvement?
    • What would healthy involvement look like for a typical adolescent?
    • What would constitute too much extracurricular activity?
  • Support your argument with citations from scholarly sources, including both those provided in this unit and any additional evidence you may have researched.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two other learners, either noting points that they have made that reinforce your own position on the question of extracurricular activity, or identifying arguments they have made that change your assessment. You may professionally and respectfully challenge a point made by a peer, as long as you support your response with evidence cited from peer-reviewed research.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Identify evidence-based best practices in adolescent development and intervention.
  • Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.
  • Incorporate knowledge of current research into recommended best practices for positive adolescent development.
  • Propose evidence-based interventions for adolescent development issues.
  • Evaluate the applicability of specific interventions for a particular adolescent population, based on culture and other variables.


 How do context and cultural differences affect the definition of abnormality?

Discussion Posts Protocols

  • .
  • Your main response should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs (min 100 words; max 200 words). 
  • Address the questions as much as possible. Do not let the discussions stray to unrelated topics.
  • All post require supportive information from the text or other peer-reviewed sources that support your postings. Put any quotes in quotation marks, or better yet paraphrase, and always include reference from which the information or quotation was obtained, both within the text of your answer AND the correctly APA formatted reference at the bottom of the post. Wikipedia is never an appropriate resource.
  • Bring in related personal prior knowledge (work experience and/or prior personal experience.) as examples in the response
  • Use proper netiquette (proper language, typing, respect, etc.)
  • Use proper APA formatWeek 1 discussion post (CHAPTERS 1-4)

    Protocols and Grading Rubric for Evaluating Online Discussions

    Discussion Posts Protocols

    · Your main response should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs (min 100 words; max 200 words). 

    · Avoid responses that are limited to “I agree” or “great idea,” etc. If you agree (or disagree) with a posting then explain why you agree by supporting your statement with concepts from the readings or by bringing in related a related example or experience.

    · Address the questions as much as possible. Do not let the discussions stray to unrelated topics.

    · All post require supportive information from the text or other  peer-reviewed sources  that support your postings. Put any quotes in quotation marks, or better yet paraphrase, and always include reference from which the information or quotation was obtained, both within the text of your answer AND the correctly APA formatted reference at the bottom of the post. Wikipedia is never an appropriate resource.

    · Bring in related personal prior knowledge (work experience and/or prior personal experience.) as examples in the response

    · Use proper netiquette (proper language, typing, respect, etc.)

    · Use proper APA format


    Grading Rubric for Evaluating Online Discussions

    Criteria Excellent Good Average Poor
    Timely contributions to discussions 3-4 postings well distributed throughout the week. 2-3 postings distributed throughout the week. 2 postings somewhat distributed. 1-2 postings or posts not distributed.
    Responsiveness to the discussion and demonstration of knowledge and understanding gained from the assigned readings. Very clear that readings were understood and incorporated well into response. Readings were understood and/or incorporated into response. Posting have questionable relationship to the reading material. Not evident that the readings were understood and/or not incorporated into discussion.
    Adherence to discussion posts protocols. All discussion posts protocols were followed. One (1) discussion posts protocol was not adhered to. 2-3 discussion posts protocols were not adhered to. Four (4) or more discussion posts protocols were not adhere to.
    Maximum Points 20 14 8 4


    There are some clear indicators of abnormality discussed in your reading this week (Chapter 1). No single indicator is sufficient in and of itself to define or determine abnormality. Nonetheless, the more that someone has difficulties in the areas identified in your text, the more likely he or she is to have some form of mental disorder.

    Element 1: How is ‘abnormal’ behavior’ defined and identified?

    Element 2: Please discuss at least 2 of the 7 indicators of abnormality listed in Chapter 1 of your text, and give examples.

    Element 3: How do context and cultural differences affect the definition of abnormality?