What capabilities have you gained through your experience that will benefit the MBA cohort experience? 3.)How will an MBA education impact your personal or professional goals?

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Write a cohesive essay, complete with a thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a comprehensive conclusion. Please upload a personal statement that addresses the following questions:
1.) Tell us something about yourself that is outside of your professional and educational accomplishments.
2.)What capabilities have you gained through your experience that will benefit the MBA cohort experience?
3.)How will an MBA education impact your personal or professional goals?

“A ship in a harbor is safe but that is not what ships are built for”.John Augustus Shedd

At age 20, I was the first woman in my family to finish college and moved to US to pursue graduate school. Being from a conservative family I was meant to be married at 17, just like my mother and my grandmother and my great-grandmother. I knew at an early age that I had to work hard, get out of my comfort zone and seize the opportunities to break the cycle. I was lucky as my parents supported me through my endeavor. But, getting out of my comfort zone was particularly difficult as I am an introvert and suffer from stage fright. I remember my sweaty palms, racing heart and shaky legs as I recited Pythagorean Theorem in front of all my classmates in 6th grade. I got applause and that day I knew that to succeed I have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable for rest of my life. I excelled in school and went on to become engineer. This was the first in my family but I didn’t want to stop there. I decided to come to US to pursue graduate studies. I borrowed some money from my family and came to US to pursue my dream. After my graduation I worked in manufacturing industry and later in financial industry where I wrote algorithms for high-speed trading. I have been working in the financial industry for over a decade. I love the fast paced, quantitative environment. During the spare time, I volunteer at Math Club and Coding Club at one of our local elementary school. It is a fun and a fulfilling experience. My intention is not only teach concepts to 4th graders but also be a mentor and a role-model to kids especially girls who are interested in STEM subjects. As I work with these girls I see incredible potential. As a role-model I hope to instill confidence in these girls so they can pursue their dreams without limitations.
As a MBA cohort, I envision bringing a different perspective through my years of experience, my passion to learn and my persistence determination
I came to US with an aspiration to make it to the top. My skills have given me confidence to navigate through an industry which is primarily male-dominated.
But, when I look around I see white older males who set the culture that we experience every day. Women occupy only 15% of board seats based on recent survey. There are just not enough women representation in corporate room to change the culture and make a impact. While lot of companies are improving gender-balance, lot more work needs to be done. There is an unconscious gender bias and one of the ways to break that cycle is by reforming corporate culture which promotes such bias. And the best way to do that is to have more women on board and executive teams. I am hoping that this MBA will open up opportunities for me where instead of being part of the culture, I can change the corporate culture and bring new perspectives.

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