review a popular movie about a cultural theme, review a documentary about a historical theme, review a book about a topic from class, etc

modern wars, rise of Marxism, modern art, rise of feminism, social class issues, civil rights movement, space age culture, etc.


9) theoretical issues – rise of humanism, life-cycles of civilizations, ancient or modern philosophers, different styles of art, East/West relations, etc.


10) review a popular movie about a cultural theme, review a documentary about a historical theme, review a book about a topic from class, etc


11) 1001 Days – select a day from history that changed the world and explain several reasons why.

Your grade for the Term Paper, Essay is determined as follows (see rubric):

Unsatisfactory Deficient Satisfactory  Good Excellent
0-59%  F 60-69%  D 70-79%  C 80-89%  B 90-100%  A
Grammar/Spelling:Unacceptable grammar/spelling; not written at college level Grammar/Spelling:Many flaws Grammar/Spelling:Many/some flaws Grammar/Spelling:Minimal flaws Grammar/Spelling:No flaws
Format:Does not comply with syllabus and MLA Format:Many flaws; minimally complies with syllabus and MLA Format:Numerous flaws; generally complies with syllabus and MLA Format:Minor flaws; complies with syllabus and MLA Format:No flaws; complies with syllabus and MLA
Substance/Conceptual/Coherence:Contains no identifiable Intro, Body & Conclusion; not written at college level; contains no analysis and conceptual depth Substance/Conceptual/Coherence:Contains no/vaguely/ambiguously identifiable Intro, Body & Conclusion; contains minimal analysis and conceptual depth; 65-69% requires product to surpass merely deficient; 60%-64% is Deficient Substance/Conceptual/Coherence:Contains vaguely/ambiguously identifiable Intro, Body & Conclusion; contains some analysis and conceptual depth; 75-79% requires product to surpass merely Satisfactory; 70%-74% is Satisfactory Substance/Conceptual/Coherence:Contains identifiable Intro, Body & Conclusion; well written; contains significant analysis and conceptual depth; 85-89% requires product to surpass merely Good; 80%-84% is Good Substance/Conceptual/Coherence:Contains identifiable Intro, Body & Conclusion; professionally written at or above college level; contains considerable and substantial original and authentic analysis and conceptual depth; 95-100% requires product to surpass merely Excellent; 90%-94% is Excellent

Note:  In order to obtain a grade under a grade category (e.g., Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Deficient, Unsatisfactory), the student’s assignment must contain every characteristic under the grade category.  If an assignment contains one or two of the three characteristic(s) of a grade category, the same analysis is completed under the next highest grade category to determine which grade category the student’s assignment complies with fully (i.e., the assigned grade).

Honesty Policy/Academic Integrity – It is important to follow standard practices of resource citation in your writing (MLA or APA). Plagiarism should be prevented by your own personal code of honor and we should remember that this term’s critical thinking homework provides everyone an excellent opportunity to develop his/her own voice in research papers/essays.

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