Read the article carefully and write a 850 words summary 1 answer below »

analysis of the article
Use a heading for each part of the answer as indicated below

part 1 :Summary: summarize the article by giving an overview of the writer's view. Begin with the central idea. Then describe the main points. Capture the main development of the main points and show how the writer supports them. Be objective, avoid evaluation and judgmental statements. Max 400 words.

part 2 ; Discussion: choose two insights or ideas from article. Discuss each insight separately give a heading for each insight: discuss for the insight one and insight two. Use SEC (statement, evidence,comment) strategy.length of the discussion for each insight is 150 words. Make sure that the discussion of each insight is based on logistic and evidence.

part 3: Personal tie in : choose on insight from the article
Discuss your view based on the personal or someone else work experience. Briefly narrate the experience with the specifics.
Discuss significance of the experience in light of the writer's central main idea. Show how the experience support the writer's opinion or points to the limitation of the writer's idea.

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