Identify Market structure of an airline carrier Identify whether or not an airline carrier differs from other carriers and if so; how?

Unit 9 Assignment: Final Paper and PowerPoint PresentationInstructions:You will write a paper that will review your entire quality improvement project along with a PowerPoint presentation to summarize

Unit 9 Assignment: Final Paper and PowerPoint Presentation


You will write a paper that will review your entire quality improvement project along with a PowerPoint presentation to summarize the project.


  • Your paper should be 8–10 pages in length.
  • Refer to the Writing Center for APA requirements and utilize the “Writing Center Resources” found in Course Documents.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation should include 8–10 slides.
  • Your presentation and paper should include the following elements:



Current issues

Literature review

Topic Selection


Process description

Health care sector involved

Disciplines involved e. Real/Hypothetical process

Quality Application Tools (PDCA)

Process to be improved

Team that knows the process

Current knowledge of the process

Causes of special variation

Selected process improvement


Data collected




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  • Q: Identify Market structure of an airline carrier Identify whether or not an airline carrier differs from other carriers and if so; how?
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