How the composition of the leadership influences outcomes: Were there unique characteristics of the project team and leaders?

In previous steps, you studied organizational behavior, and then the team chose a case and agreed to a project plan. Now it is time to do a closer read of the chosen case and do any additional research. Revisit guidelines on conducting research, if needed. Then look at Table 1, which provides some topics for your search strategies. In your search, you should consult scholarly resources as well as online resources, newspapers, and business blogs and sites for similar contemporary cases.

Table 1
Topics to Consider as They Apply to Your Team’s Case
1. Principles of teamwork within an organization: What were the practices of this organization, and how did these practices influence the issue and challenges the project team and leader confronted?
2. Best practices for leaders: What practices did the team (or leadership) employ that influenced the outcome, leading to resolution of the crisis, or further exacerbating the situation?
3. How the composition of the leadership influences outcomes: Were there unique characteristics of the project team and leaders?
4. Judging the success of project teams, immediate and longer term: Are there any unique issues, challenges, or practices relevant to the leaders,  industry, or company?

This step might be completed well before your paper is finished, or you may continue to do research as the paper is developed. Ideally, much of this step should be complete by the end of Week 9 to ensure time for writing. Move on to the next step when you feel you are ready to begin whatever writing component the team’s project plan has allocated to you.

Step 6: Writing the Paper

Using the research from the previous step, you and your teammates will write the white paper and executive summary as determined in the project plan. Your team paper and contribution to the team project will be graded using the team project rubric, so be sure the team reviews that document. The white paper and executive summary must be completed by the end of Week 10.

After your paper and summary are been completed, the team should move on to the next step, in which your team will create the narrated presentation. This next step must also be completed by the end of Week 10.

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