Does the reader have a good sense of how to assess a program similar to yours, after reading your paper? Are your recommendations for improving this program clear? Have you met the goals you set up for yourself in your initial topic proposal?

This is my idea of the project i have already
Center for Multicultural Health Organization in King County Seattle Washington State HIV/AIDS Prevention for Women in African Communities.
Using mentor-ship program
Develop a face time app as a mentor ship means of communication
African women have been known to carry the burden of supporting their families to the extent of neglecting themselves. In most African communities, culture dictates that women must comply with men’s decisions, even if the decisions are harmful to women. Under such oppression, it is very difficult for African women to raise their voice when harmful cultural practices are thrust upon them.
The project will focus on ensure women have access to prevention and treatment services through the following programs:
• Education through community outreaches
• Advocacy to promote behavior change
• Self-sustain empowerment
• Awareness of the increasing impact of HIV on women
By providing these services, will empower women lead to wholesome lives. Women will be involved in all aspects of the prevention planning and implementation. Other focus on assessing prevention is to address the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls to protect them from HIV. Prevention is always a more effective mechanism to control the spread of the disease than treatment.
This is one of the refence must be use in this project ( I need 10 this will be one of them)
Stratton, S. E (2012). The encyclopedia of HIV/AIDS. New York, NY: Facts on File.
The actual project information and details from the instructor.
A Pathfinder is a document that takes the reader through the process of finding the best information on a topic. It guides an interested researcher to important search tools and terms to use to identify information on a particular subject. This project will demonstrate the skills you’ve gained over the quarter in both information literacy and program assessment, and gives you an opportunity to use the resources we’ve discussed. It’s a cumulative project, as well—since we are looking at new types of resources, you will have had time to do the project in manageable parts. NOTE: Although there is some writing involved in the Pathfinder, you will not be writing a formal research paper. The goal is for you to do all the research you would do in preparation for writing a research paper.
Requirements of the final project:
1. 500-800 word Executive Summary
2. Between 8-12 annotated citations in APA format
3. At least 3 types of resources represented
4. Evaluative annotations
The details
What exactly is a pathfinder? Think of it as a map or a toolkit of resources for others researching a topic similar to yours. You’re going to show the way to the credible, useful resources on your topic—whether those sources are encyclopedias, scholarly articles, statistics, organization’s websites, software programs, or whatever is most appropriate for your topic. These sources will help readers put together their own evaluation and assessment toolkit in some area of social services.
This project will demonstrate the skills you’ve gained over the quarter in both information literacy and program assessment, and gives you an opportunity to use the resources we’ve discussed. It’s a cumulative project, as well—since we are looking at new types of resources every week, you will have had time to do the project in manageable parts. In other words, there shouldn’t be a big crunch on your time at the end of the term if you spend part of each week working on this.
What social or human services program are you interested in researching/assessing? You can start with an area of interest (say, chemical dependency counseling), and then focus on some aspect of assessment once you know a bit more about it (perhaps you read something about funding to increase outreach to chemically-dependent teens) or have identified an organization/program that is related to your area of interest. Chances are your topic will become more refined as we move through the term, but in any case, proposal/topic statement will address the “so what” question: what topic/program are you researching, and why? Program evaluators typically have to “sell” their ideas and recommendations, and the reader (me, and throughout the process, some of your classmates) will want to know why this topic/program is of interest to you. If you are preparing this pathfinder to complement your research in another class or for your job (which I encourage), be sure to include information on other potential readers of your paper, as that is the role we will take in reviewing your work. I will be glad to work with you to tailor a project that meets both the curricular needs of this course as well as a real-life application. This is not plagiarism; if you turned in the exact same paper for both this class and another, then there would be a problem. Making your topic and the research process applicable in more than one situation, however, can be a good time management strategy, and shows that you’re incorporating information literacy skills into your life.
Final Product: Two Sections
1. Executive Summary
In most cases, an executive summary precedes a lengthy report: it provides the reader with an overview of the document without getting bogged down in details. In the business world, it also serves a persuasive purpose: you want the reader to agree with and support the findings or recommendations in the report. You’ll be doing that here, as you need to persuade your reader that you have indeed covered your bases in terms of finding the best, most useful resources for your topic. If the reader uses the resources you present, she will have the tools necessary to assess a program similar to the one you evaluated, and to make positive changes to the program you evaluated. This introductory section should be in the range of 500-800 words, and cover the following elements:
• the topic and purpose of your pathfinder: for what type of program (or specific program) are you gathering assessment resources and data?
• a brief summary of your strategy for finding the sources you selected; briefly listing the finding tools/sources you used provides a useful guide for both the reader and you, such as the names of specific databases, call number areas, search tools such as GoogleScholar, and so on. For example, if you used SocIndex as one of your resources for finding article citations, say so. If there were specific terms that brought up the most relevant results, say that as well. Similarly, mention any particularly useful reference books or search engines. If certain types of material were difficult to locate or use, include that information.
• a summary of what you’ve found: point the reader to the highlights of your selected resources. Remember that you’re “selling” your skills in finding information and putting it to use in assessing a program or topic.
• The class web page will have links to more information about and examples of executive summaries

2. Sources, with AnnotationsYour list of sources should contain between 8 and 12 items, which will reflect the varied source types we’ve used over the term. You must have at least 3 different types of sources in your pathfinder.Most of you will have a mix of entries from subject encyclopedias, organizational web sites, and scholarly journal articles, though there are many other source types that may be used. You will need to allow sufficient time to read all of these documents to decide which are the best for your pathfinder: you’ll be looking at many more than the 8-12 titles that make the final cut. Most full-text articles come with abstracts, or their own summary; abstracts can be useful to you in narrowing down your potential pathfinder candidates, but you’ll need to read the article yourself and write your own annotation. Remember, it’s your evaluation of the work and how it fits in with your topic that’s important.
A Word About Those Annotations
Annotations describe the main points of a work, indicating any special features or weakness. They should be brief—five or six sentences are usually enough to convey your summary and evaluation. From an annotation, a reader should be able to ascertain a work’s purpose, content, and value. The value of a work needs to be based on its relevance to your assessment topic; here’s where you can add details that don’t fit into your Executive Summary. We’ll be going over some points to consider when writing annotations, and we’ll do some practice writing of them in class later in the term.
Citation Format
We’ll be spending time in class working on citation style, using the 6th edition of the APA (American Psychological Association) style guide. There’s a handout online with the basics (linked from both the library and the course page), and there are two copies of the book-length guide in the Reference area of the Library. Some databases provide citations for you that are theoretically in proper format, but these are notorious for being incorrect: I expect you to be able to put bibliographic elements in proper citation order yourself without relying on software. In any case, you, not the software, are responsible for the completeness and quality of your final citations.
All elements of this project, along with the presentation about it, makes up big piece of your grade in this course, so please put the appropriate effort into it. My evaluation will be based on a combination of process, content and format: did you utilize the search strategies we discussed in class, and did you use your time in the lab to follow up on leads? Did you use a variety of reference tools in your research, and did you cover the major sources for your topic? Are the citations in correct APA style? Are the annotations informative and evaluative? Does the reader have a good sense of how to assess a program similar to yours, after reading your paper? Are your recommendations for improving this program clear? Have you met the goals you set up for yourself in your initial topic proposal? Remember to re-read the grading rubric before turning in your final paper: how does your work stack up with the grading criteria? This information may be updated or expanded;

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