Distances Between Work Areas (Departments) in Feet It costs $0.50 to move 1 work piece 1 foot in the

Distances Between Work Areas (Departments) in Feet

It costs $0.50 to move 1 work piece 1 foot in the job shop. Marrs’s goal is to find a layout that has the lowest material handling cost.
(a) Determine cost of the current layout, Plan A, from the data above.
(b) One alternative is to switch those departments with the high loads, namely, finishing (F) and plating (P), which alters the distance between them and machining (M) and dipping (D), as follows:
Distances Between Work Areas (Departments) in Feet

What is the cost of this layout?
(c) Mars now wants you to evaluate Plan C, which also switches milling (M) and drilling (D), below.
Distances Between Work Areas (Departments) in Feet

What is the cost of this layout?
(d) Which layout is best from a costperspective?

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