Did you have any trouble conducting your search? If so, where did you have trouble?

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a chance to use the Excelsior College Library; there is a link for the library under “Learning

Resources” in the left-hand panel of our course.

We’ll be talking about the controversial issue of substance abuse among nurses in the next module, so in this library search activity, you can

get a head start by finding an article or two about it.
Click Excelsior College Library in the left panel of the course
Under Find It, click Research Databases
Click H-L
Click Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
In the first search box, type “Nurse” or “nurses”
In the second search box, type “addict” or “impair”
Click the Search button near the first search term box.

After following the search steps above, please answer these three questions:

Did you have any trouble conducting your search? If so, where did you have trouble?
Are you satisfied with the results (list the articles) you found?
Please provide a reference listing for one of the articles you found, in APA format.
Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer.

For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines

provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Submit Assignment” in the upper

right corner. Click on “Browse,” browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to

the Browse button. Enter your comments, if any, in the Comments area. Click on “Submit Assignment.”


This assignment will be graded using the rubric displayed below. Please review this rubric prior to beginning your work. You can also access

the rubric on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here module. This assignment is worth 10% of your final course grade.

2017 Default Writing Rubric Updated 6-17
2017 Default Writing Rubric Updated 6-17
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Theme/thesis: The work contains an appropriate, original, and coherent theme or thesis statement

which is reinforced throughout the paper.
15.0 pts
A: The work’s theme/thesis statement is original, completely developed, clearly articulated, and coherently unites the content.
14.0 pts
A: The work’s theme/thesis statement is original, thoroughly developed, and reinforced throughout the paper.
13.0 pts
B: The work’s theme/thesis statement is original and mostly developed, consistently used throughout the work.
11.0 pts
C: The work’s theme/thesis statement is acceptable, but elementary, occasionally used in the rest of the work.
10.0 pts
D: The work’s theme/thesis statement is difficult to identify, unoriginal, and/or is not reinforced throughout the paper.
4.0 pts
F: The work has no theme/thesis statement.
0.0 pts
F: No submission.
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis, argument, evaluation, or methods: The work demonstrates original and effective

analysis, argumentation, evaluation, critical thinking, and/or the use of appropriate research methods, as applicable to the assignment.
25.0 pts
A: The work is built around an original, well-constructed analysis, argument, evaluation, and/or methodology as applicable to the assignment,

meeting all expectations.
24.0 pts
A: The work demonstrates application of analysis, argument construction, evaluation, and/or methodology as applicable to the assignment, in a

thorough, original, and well-reasoned presentation.
21.0 pts
B: The work demonstrates the consistent use of original analysis, argument construction, evaluation, and/or methodology as applicable to the

assignment at an acceptable level.
19.0 pts
C: The work inconsistently demonstrates some efforts at original analysis, argument construction, evaluation, and/or methodology as applicable

to the assignment.
16.0 pts
D: The work demonstrates a basic, simplistic attempt at original analysis, argument construction, evaluation, and/or methodology as applicable

to the assignment.
14.0 pts
F: The work demonstrates a complete lack of any analysis, argument construction, evaluation, and/or methodology as applicable to the

assignment, and/or the ideas are not original.
0.0 pts
F: No submission.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Structure/organization: The work has a well-crafted structure and organization, including an

introduction, body, and discussion/conclusion, as appropriate to the assignment. The work contains effective transitions and/or topic sentences

that build upon the central theme or thesis.
15.0 pts
A: The work is built around a clearly identifiable structure and organization, which brings a better understanding for the reader with a fully

articulated introduction, body, and conclusion. Transitions are smooth and fully
14.0 pts
A: The work follow

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