Determination of effect of programmed mathematics material on the level of mathematics achievement.






Determination of effect of programmed mathematics material on the level of mathematics achievement.


The effects of programmed mathematics material on the level of mathematics achievement can be determined by various methods and steps. In effective determination of the mathematical achievement the following steps can be used. It entails a series of sequences that involves the computation, the protest of a program, materials for both the educators and the learners to monitor the progress of mathematics and rigid procedures for learning/educating, it also involves the setting of the instrumental priorities and monitoring the advancement of the program along the syllabus. A given programmed mathematics material is to be chosen. The effects are to b determined at the initial levels to maintain its history. The effects are to be followed and this will aids in the monitoring of its maturity and the external effects tat are imposed on the programmed mathematics material.

Various forms of the instruction like the use of objectives, effects that the practice has ion the students and feedback effects have to be studied. The variables are to be chosen.

Then the population to be examined should be of different ages and abilities. They should be different classes. It can b summarized in three various stages; a) introduction of variable b) tabulation c) data analysis d) data presentation.

Steps 1

It involves introduction of variables. Programmed mathematics material is to be established. Deferent groups and level of students are to be sampled. They are to be subjected to similar conditions of programmed mathematics material. The levels should comprise both the higher achievers and the low performers. This aids in the comparison of the effect on both the slow learners and the first learners. The learners can as well be in different learning and environmental conditions (variables). The variables to be considered are, time, environment, teaching method (this can be in the lecture method or other). The first group, second and third is to be subdivided and further subjected to various conditions.

Step two

Tabulation of results

After the impact and subjection this condition, the students are to be given different exams at the end of the exercise. The third grade or higher who are able to perform better are to be given exam that is below the placement of their grades as per Cohn’s 2004. Fourth and the proceeding (firth) are to be tested that is beyond their grade placement by three grades. The exams are to be given based on the procedures that are standardized. Then the three tables are to be filled and the result analyzed. The test is to be given over several times to examine the effect when the duration of the programmed mathematics material is changed.

First group (level)

n mean s.d t

Pairs df 2-tail prob. Size of effect

concepts computations Second group (level)

n mean s.d t

Pairs df 2-tail prob. Size of effect

concepts computations Third group (level)

n mean s.d t

Pairs df 2-tail prob. Size of effect

concepts computations Step three

Analyses of scores

The scores by the students are then to be assigned as percentiles. The percentiles are to be changed to z-scores. The conversion should be based on the normal distribution table. After this the t-scores are to be compared against the z-scores. This is the most important and the data can be analyses using the SPSS or other methods that bring good results. The following table illustrates the conversion and the comparison. The subsections of the student as in the first part are ranged differently i.e their marks are analyzed different. The overall mean of each subgroup is then calculated. Then result is then tabled as shown in the example below.

n average s.d t

Pairs df 2-tail prob. Size of effect

concepts 83 0.624 0.

756 12.36 81 0.001 1.05

computations 83 -0.159 0.29729 The effects are to be calculated as a function of contribution against non-contribution in the systems-based influential approaches, recency of contribution in the organization approaches, effects of the approaches that are persistent, and the increasing effects given out as a result comprehensive exposure to the measures that are based on the system.

Step four

Analysis of the outcome

The outcome will relate the relation that exists between performance in mathematics and system-based instrumental methods. The highest performance in mathematics is to be achieved by the students who receive bigger portions of system-based instruction. The data is to be presented and then analyzed as pr the conditions that they were based on. This helps to determine the correlation that the two given conditions have and effect of programmed mathematics material on the level of mathematics achievement. After the analysis then the effects can be seen clearly. When the factor under examination and mathematics achievement are negatively related, then the facto has negative impact on the improvement of mathematics. Different graphs can be drawn in this elastration. Since the test is to be given continually, various data should be tabled and graphed. Over a long time after the duration has been existed, the overall effect can be determined. This is in other words to determine the effect that the factor under investigation has on the mathematics achievement and its improvements.

The following precautions have to be taken into consideration;

Students’ improvement and good performance is a positive improvement when compared to the previous performance.

Students should be grouped as per their academic standards but not as per their ages.

It is necessary to analyze at every stage and not two or ore stages at once. When a factor is under investigation it should be cleared with and then the other in sequence. Conclusions

Effective programs should be put in place to enhance performance and other factors that might undermine these improvements should be taken into account and necessary steps taken at various stages. The implementation of the new programs should be thoroughly looked into before they are put in place. The implementation of bad strategies will bring a bad outcome in mathematics results and this tends to discourage the learners.

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